Tuesday 25 November 2014

Second Edit

After feedback from Anthony & the others in class I have narrowed down my first edit into 8 final images that have been cropped & adjusted in Photoshop. The next step will be to work out an order of appearance for he slideshow & narrative that will be conveyed through captions.

Monday 24 November 2014

First Edit

I've narrowed down shots from both visits to the gym to 16 images, the brief requires 8 images so I still need to get rid of half the images shown here.

+ Action Shot of Lee Haskins jumping
- Bin is included in the composition
*Crop to isolate Lee from rest of Image
+ Another Action shot with background details
- Distracting bright vending machine
* Burn tool to remove light
+ Perspective shot during training
+ Instruction shot during training
* Crop to remove distractions & utilise mirror
+ Portrait of coach in focus
* Crop for tighter image
+ Lee Haskins training shot
+ Engaged kids
* Crop to remove distractions
+ Using of apparatus
- Boring image
+ Engagement between trainer & Lee, details on gloves
* Crops for tighter image
+ Action shot during training.
+ Detail shot possible first image. 
+ Using of apparatus
+ Engaged portrait
* Crop?

+ Training shot of Lee
- Boxing Mask
+ Engaging portrait of Lee
* Crop to remove distractions?

Second Shoot - Bristol Boxing Gym - 11/11/14

On Remembrance Day I headed back to the gym for a second shoot, There were a few new faces to photograph which was nice. Lee Haskins was there again which was great so I could get more shots of his preparations for his fight on the 5th December.

It was good to photograph some of the other items being used around the gym, Now I need to edit down both shoots together.